covid-19, news

Article on St. Mary’s from The Catholic Register

By Parish on 17/05/2020 0 Comments

Please find some time in these times to read a beautiful article about the Lenten Cross in front of St Mary’s Church, Elora, recently published by the Catholic Register Newspaper.


Bulletin & Reflection for 5th Sunday of Easter

By Parish on 11/05/2020 0 Comments

The bulletin for the Fifth Sunday of Easter is now available to view on the website. Please see the Sunday Reflection prepared by deacon-candidate Paul Mulligan, for what would have been the Formation Day this weekend.


Bulletin & Reflection for Easter Sunday

By Parish on 12/04/2020 0 Comments

Once again, we join Christians all over the world to mark thecelebration of our Lord’s resurrection at Easter though in a totally different way and manner this year… Click here to read the full Easter message and bulletin from Fr. Gordian.

covid-19, news

Event Postponements

By Parish on 08/04/2020 0 Comments

Please note that all churches will remain closed as all public Masses, devotions, parish gatherings and events have been suspended until further notice, including the following postponements